تعصي الإله وأنت تظهر حبه
You Disobey God And Love You Pretend
تعرض عن بيته وأنت تطلب قربه
You turn away from His House And His Closeness You Seek
كم من أناس يذكرون الرحمن في السراء و الضراء
Of How many People Remember the Al Merciful in Good times and Bad times!
He is the Al Merciful; He is my God
كم من عباد يخافون المنان عند معصية و يكونون برءاء
Of How many Slaves Fear the Benefactor when Committing sin and then Stay Away
He is the fearing; He is Grateful
So flee toward Allah and Belong to Him
So flee toward Allah, However, to Him we Belong
يا الله يا الله يا الله يا الله
Oh Allah..Oh Allah Oh Allah..Oh Allah!
تحب الجنان و أنت تعمل ضده
The Gardens of Paradise you Love And Your Deeds are Against Him
تبتغي مرضاته و تبشر الشيطان عدوه
His Pleasure you Seek And You Give Glad Tidings To His enemy, Satan
تبحث عنه كل مكان و شغلت المكان في قلبك
You look for him at all places but filled the place in your heart (with others)
That is the real Spot (to look for Him)
تستعمل منه كل عطاء كل صباح و مساء
You enjoy all His Givings every morning and evening
Among them are External and Internal
So flee toward Allah and Belong to Him
So flee toward Allah, However, to Him we Belong
يا الله يا الله يا الله يا الله
Oh Allah..Oh Allah Oh Allah..Oh Allah!
تحب ذكرك عنده و أنت تنسى ذكره
You love to be remembered before Him And you are away from His Remembrance
ترجو الكرم من الكريم و أنت تفر من طاعته
You wait for benefit from the Most Generous While flee away from His Obedience
يبسط يده كل ليال ليتوب مسيئ النهار
He spreads his hand every night to accept the repentance of sinners of Day
و في النهار ليتوب مسيئ الليل
And Every Night To accept the repentance of the sinners of Night
يكون حبيبك إن أطعته و إلا يكون طبيبك
He becomes your Friend when you obey Him else He will become your Doctor (to fix you)
And He Says Repent! I don't care (for your sins)
So flee toward Allah and Belong to Him
So flee toward Allah, However, to Him we Belong
يا الله يا الله يا الله يا الله
Oh Allah..Oh Allah Oh Allah..Oh Allah!
فقل اللهم اجعلنا لك شكارا واغفر لنا إنك كنت غفارا
So, Say! Oh Allah! Make us grateful to You
And Forgive us For You are Oft-Forgiving
و قل اللهم نسألك رضاك و الجنان و اجعل خير أيامنا يوم لقائنا
And Say! Oh Allah! We plead You for your pleasure and the Gardens of paradise
And Make the best of my days the day of our meeting
يا الله يا الله يا الله يا الله
Oh Allah..Oh Allah Oh Allah..Oh Allah!
يا الله يا الله يا الله يا الله
Oh Allah..Oh Allah Oh Allah..Oh Allah!